by carolyn | Aug 29, 2015 | Urban Farming
This summer my terrace looks really green 🙂 new things to try: carrots, pak choi, watercress, cime di rapa looks all very promising the strawberry tower failed obviously too little moisture – so now it is on my new “tower”grüner Sommer auf meiner...
by carolyn | Mar 19, 2015 | Urban Farming
A mini greenhouse (old mushroom box) for radish 🙂 that would work on every window outdoor. and more for salad – works pretty well under such a plastic hard top. I found an old acrylic piece that covers greatly the spinach and salad I put in last autumn. From now...
by carolyn | Jul 20, 2014 | Urban Farming
How small the little plants have been in spring and now this jungle! Despite my laziness regarding watering them. The first red ones have already ended up in salad. and downstairs we have cucumbers, pumpkins, beans, zucchini and more, stuff also eaten by snails 🙁 As...
by carolyn | May 20, 2014 | Urban Farming
Was bis zu den Eisheiligen drinnen sicher war muss jetzt raus! Auch das im Greenhaus, das sich recht gut bewährt hat bei der affigen Kälte anfangs Mai! und der ganze ausgeschossene Salat muss auch raus aus den Beeten! Es wuchert wild und wilder. Platz da für die neuen...
by carolyn | Mar 25, 2014 | Urban Farming
Have upgraded it with a second, thicker foil and so far life in it seems to continue. Tomatoes, pumpkins and zucchini and basil are still alive! And soon it will get warmer. Only the cucumbers are dying 🙂 at the end of the foil that was not long enough to cover all....
by carolyn | Mar 18, 2014 | Urban Farming
Thanks to Ikea 🙂 I made out of two simple shelves and some foil a nice greenhouse on the sunny wall of my terrace The pumpkins are out there now and if the basil survives until weekend the tomatoes, zucchinis and cucumbers go out there as well, since they are growing...