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Our stunning actors: Patricia Sluka as Lena and Silvan Buess as Martin. OMG they look so fabulous.

What a great Makeup by Quirin, perfect with the beautiful dress from Aziza Zina. Many thanks. I am so glad all the pieces I selected for this movie did fit together so well. It is so much more complex than painting and the surprise is so much bigger in the end 🙂 now I gather why it is called a moving picture 🙂


The long way from the script over the storyboard to the scene that came alive!

Storyboard: Lena & Martin are around 40 and celebrate their anniversary – again.


And this is what it looks like in our movie 🙂 and he does that magic with the key 🙂 but that you will see in the movie 😉

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She looks gorgeous!

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And Quirin the master of the perfect look. You created it with so much love and dedication, I love your work.Thank you.


and then the 2 in the elevator – the symbolic center piece of this movie 😉

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I guess for the next movie I should know better how to draw a better story board 🙂